Waitangi Day Word Wall Labels


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This set of 60 Waitangi day word labels are a great way to support and scaffold classroom conversations around the topic of a holiday special to Aotearoa – Waitangi day! Print, laminate and use as discussion starters or prompts on your whiteboard, or add to your wall displays by creating a word wall for easy reference.

This Waitangi Day word wall labels pack includes: 

  • Most labels include English (most in large font) plus Māori translations or further supporting details (in smaller font)
  • All labels include appropriate illustrations to support our lower level readers to understand the meanings
  • Blank labels included for the kids to add their own words to your word wall
  • This set includes a general heading (that can be used at the centre of your display) plus some questions prompts e.g. How many of these words can you read? Are there any you don’t understand? Which are Māori words? Which are English? How do some of the things from the past still impact us in Aotearoa today?


  • Waitangi, Treaty of Waitangi, Māori, English, 6th February, 1840, Aotearoa, Russell, British Crown, iwi, hapu, Hone Heke, James Busby, William Hobson, Treaty House, Te Whare Rūnanga, ceremonial waka, Treaty Grounds, Te Ika a Maui, Te Wai Pounamu, flag of the United Tribes, Union Jack, Tino Rangatiratanga, Current NZ flag, flag pole, Waitangi flag staff, hui, chiefs, immigrants, NZ wars, signature/signing, land confiscation, controversy, reflection, agreement, celebration, protest, Waitangi Tribunal, Treaty settlement, apology, grievance, misunderstanding, equity, respect, tupono, responsibility, cooperation, diversity, conflict, integrity, ownership, turangawaewae, founding document, debate, bicultural, honour/dishonour, united, move forward, translation, protection, partnership, the people, the places, timeline, before/after, what we want to know & what we know.


*CAN’T SEE THE SPECIFIC LABEL YOU NEED OR YOUR LOCAL TRANSLATION? Let me know – I’m more than happy to add in labels to meet the needs of your corner of Aotearoa!