Water Cycle Activities {New Zealand)


Our resources are available as INSTANT DIGITAL DOWNLOADS, no physical resources will be shipped! This is an A4 sized document formatted as a PDF.



This water cycle activity pack is a great way to explore each stage of the water cycle more closely!

This set of water cycle activities contains mini readers and activity sheets to match each of these stages of the water cycle:

  • Precipitation
  • Surface runoff
  • The Ocean/Moana
  • Evaporation & Condensation

Each mini reader that explains in basic terms what that stage of the water cycle is about. Children can complete the activities in the mini reader before colouring, cutting, folding and then reading! *Looking for a larger reader? Enlarge & print these pages on to A3.

Each stage also comes with an activity sheet that focuses on the vocab & concepts that are important to this stage of the water cycle. It includes mini challenges, writing prompts and word-finds to provide a springboard into further investigations.

These activity sets are designed to be complimented by our WATER CYCLE WALL DISPLAY! You can have a peek at that HERE.