It’s a great time of year to spread some love! Simply print this one page download, then colour, cut out & gift these little mood boosters to some of the special people in your life… Click here to snaffle up this free download.
Is Santa real?
Mr 6 decided to spring the ‘is Santa real?’ question on me from the back seat of the car while on the school run yesterday 😥 He’d obviously been pondering the question for a while, as he’d come prepared with a list of evidence to back up his belief that Santa was, in fact, NOT real. 😬 **Cue a quick scramble to compile a suitable explanation from various anonymous internet sources!* This is
Christmas Advent Calendar {FREE Printable!}
Well – I’ve got no idea where December suddenly popped up from, but here it is! This resource contains 68 Christmas challenges for you to choose from to fill your Advent calendar – the mini task cards focus on spending time with family and friends during the holiday period – no sugar-laden-money-spending-commercial-Christmas activities here! Some of the cards have a Kiwi summer focus, but most of the activities will work no matter