You’d be hard pressed to find a Kiwi song that I love more than Poi E! The dance moves, the rural scenes and the uplifting beat take my mind drifting away to summer holidays ‘back in the day’ (where I was attempting dodgy break dancing moves with my friends!!)

*Scroll to the bottom of this post to grab yourFREE PRINTABLE to accompany the music video!* |
If you’re not familiar with the 1983 classic Poi E (lyrics by Ngoi Pewhairangi and music by Dalvanius Prime) you might want to check out the clip below!
Also released this year is a highly recommended documentary about the music video (see below) which looks more closely at the town of Patea and the circumstances surrounding the creation of the song in the 80’s.
*Perfect to use as you watch the music video with your class*
Check out the following links for further info on Poi E and it’s creative authors…
Where is the sheetmusic for Poi e? I need it by 4pm this afternoon…please help!
I’m so sorry – I’ve got no idea about sheet music, good luck on your hunt!