Emotions/Feelings Labels for the Kiwi classroom


Our resources are available as INSTANT DIGITAL DOWNLOADS, no physical resources will be shipped!  This download is a ZIPfILE containing PDFs formatted in A4 size.



Kei te pēhea koe? How are you? Add some colour to your wall display with these bright emotions labels! Simply cut out and laminate before displaying with velcro dots & little self-portraits (or photographs) …then your tamariki can express themselves by mixing and matching the labels to share their feelings. 

This emotions/feelings label pack includes 3 versions:

  • 1 set with large Māori & small English wording/font
  • 1 set with large English & small Māori wording/font
  • 1 set in Māori only

• Several different translations of the speech bubbles are included – pick the dialect that best suits your corner of Aotearoa!
• Speech bubble versions included: “Kei te pēhea koe?” “Kei te _____ ahau/au” (“How are you?” “I am ________.”) ALSO: “E pēhea/pēwhea ana koe?” “E ________ ana ahau/au.” (“How are you?” “I am ________.”)
• 38 emotions labels including the words: happy, sad, bored/fed up, proud, worried, scared, good, angry, furious, unhappy, joyful, nervous, sneaky, focused, shocked, unwell/weary, thoughtful, imaginative, alert & attentive, kind hearted, peaceful, quiet, loud, curious/inquisitive, embarrassed/upset, confident/bold, fit & healthy, hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, restored/revived & tired, energetic, excited, excellent, thankful & giggly/silly
• All cards include appropriate illustrations to support our lower level readers and speakers to understand the meanings

*CAN’T SEE THE SPECIFIC LABEL YOU NEED OR YOUR LOCAL TRANSLATION? Let me know – I’m more than happy to add in labels to meet the needs of your corner of Aotearoa!