NZ Regions & Iwi Map Collaborative Poster (1.7 X 1.2 metres)


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Where do you live? Where is your whānau from? Get the whole class involved with this 32 piece collaborative poster that includes the 16 official regions of Aotearoa and Iwi groups.


  • Simply print the black and white colouring pages provided and hand out one piece to each pupil to colour before assembling to create a large poster.
  • This set contains 32 pieces (hopefully no one has a class size larger than that!) In every collaborative poster, some pieces contain more detail than others—you can always hand out detailed pieces first & save the less complicated pieces for the early finishers.
  • You could choose to keep the completed image a secret (only to be revealed once it’s assembled) or share the completed image before starting to help guide their colour choices.

This poster features:

  • An outline of Aotearoa in the centre, with lines and large labels indicating the 16 official rohe/regions of NZ. (Māori on top with English underneath)
  • Each region label is surrounded by illustrations of some of the local area’s landmarks and icons, as well as various images of local flora and fauna
  • Bordering the poster are Iwi lists, grouped by region (as per the Te Puni Kōkiri website’s Iwi map) under the headings: Te Tai Tokerau, Tāmaki, Hauraki, Tainui, Tauranga Moana, Te Arawa Waka, Mātaatua, Te Tai Rāwhiti, Tākitimu, Hauāuru, Te Moana O Raukawa, Te Tau Ihu, Waipounamu and Rēkohu/Wharekauri.
  • Due to size constraints, this set DOES NOT contain the names of our largest cities, BUT you will find little koru’s on the map that indicate a large city location.
  • Match this poster up with our ‘Map labels’ resource to create a full display!

  • Looking for more resources about Iwi groups? You might be interested in our Iwi Map labels set

Looking for other collaborative posters? Click here to check out the full range.