Vegetables {Fun activities to support healthy eating and vegetable gardening}


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Did you know that a tomato is actually a FRUIT? It took a Supreme Court ruling back in 1893 to officially re-label it as a vegetable!


This 50 page ‘fun and facts’ Vegetable mini booklet is designed to accompany and add depth to your garden growing or healthy eating experiences…



• Sketch the outside of your vegetable, then cut it in half and sketch the inside
• Vegetable word find
• Is that a fruit or a vegetable? What are the rules for knowing which is which? (Botanically speaking, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and more are fruits!)
• Giant vegetables – research your favourite vegetable to find out the world record size
• Vegetables facts (e.g. do you know how iceberg lettuce got its name?)
• What would your perfect salad contain?
• A selection of coloring pages
• Labelling the parts of vegetables
• Can you find a vegetable for every letter of the alphabet?
• Give these vegetables a deliciousness rating
• 10 vegetable themed challenges (e.g. Watch an old Popeye movie and marvel at the powers of spinach! Eat a vegetable from every part of the plant! (root, stem, bulb, leaves etc.) Build a broccoli forest by arranging cooked broccoli in mashed potatoes! Have some fun before eating your forest…
• Rank the vegetables according to your favorites
• Mapping vegetable origin facts on a world map
• Silly vegetable jokes
• Add the vowels to complete these vegetable themed words
• How many vegetable adjectives can you think of?
• Different vegetables come from different parts of plants. (Includes a page each for root veges, bulbs, fruit & seed veges, rhizomes, tubers, leaf veges, stem veges, flowers & buds veges)
• Complete the picture to show some vegetables that grow above ground, and some that grow below
• Growing and eating locally is best! What’s the speciality of the area you live in?
• Vegetables look really different on the plant than they do in the supermarket…. What does the plant of your favourite vegetable look like?
• 5 plus a day – stay healthy! Track your servings of vegetables and group them according to the part of the plant they come from
• Study your vegetable with a magnifying glass and sketch what you can see
• Read and color (e.g. “As well as RED, did you know that you can also get ORANGE, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN, BLACK, PINK and WHITE tomatoes? You can even get tomatoes with streaks and blotches of these colors mixed together!)
• Vegetable acrostic poem template
• Survey your class or family to find out their favourite and least favourite veges and complete a brief summary page
• Use the zoom function on your camera to get a close up shot of a vegetable plant
• Vegetable mash-up! Use your imagination to combine two vegetables into a whole new plant! What would it look, taste, feel and smell like?
• Recycling your vege scraps
• Why are people worried about heirloom varieties?
• Draw a table made out of vegetables to help you remember how to spell ‘vegetable!’
• Organise vegetables into rainbow colors
• Vegetable quote page (e.g “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad!”)
• We’re all familiar with potatoes, carrots and cabbage, but there are thousands of other weird and unusual vegetables out there. Do some research and record
• Plus more…