Z = New Zealand Zoo {Kiwiana Themed ‘Make & Take’ Alphabet Set}


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Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Who is that snoring at the New Zealand Zoo? Lift the flap and find out!


This Z = New Zealand Zoo activity set includes:

  • A New Zealand Zoo themed worksheet – add your sleeping animal to the box (and fill in the their snoring speech bubble with ZzZzZzs!) before covering them with a flap. Can your friends guess who is snoring?
  • This activity includes a supporting photograph sequence so you can see how the activity is used and assembled, plus the completed product
  • Also included is a ’bookmark’ style strip of paper on the lefthand side of the sheet that matches the activity and letter being focused on—perfect for slipping into the kid’s book bag at the end of the day to support them to share their learning when they take their creations home


These letter activities are part of a larger discounted bundle – click here to view the full A-Z set!